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The Bike and Brunch Newsletter

Lube it. Adjust it. Ride it.

For those of use who have kept the bike in the closet all winter, we need to start looking at our bikes to get them ready for spring riding. Whether you haven't ridden all winter, or you continued through all the cold and rain we had this winter, if you haven't taken your bike in for a checkup in a few seasons, now is a great time to bring it in to your local bike store and have a professional look at it. In most cases, you will only have to leave your bike for a few days. If you wait until the weather really warms up, you may have to leave your bike for more than a week. Some stores even require a reservation. Here's the B&B 3-Step Program to begin riding this year.

1. Check your tires for inflation and wear. The tires probably have gone flat during the winter, and you may not have realized how worn your tires are (tires are not guaranteed for life).

2. Check the chain and transmission. Three months of storage has probably dried your chain. Lube it. A dry chain can make you work too hard (extra work does not equal fun). And if you didn't clean your chain at the end of last season, do that before you lube it.

3. Check your brakes. The brakes wore down during last season more than your realized, and the materials in your brakes may have hardened. So, replace your brake shoes as necessary, and adjust them so they'll work and you can depend on them.